#encoding: UTF-8require'./plugins/post_filters'classStringhan='\p{Han}|[,。?;:‘’“”、!……()]'@@chinese_regex=/(#{han}) *\n *(#{han})/mdefjoin_chinese!gsub!(@@chinese_regex,'\1\2')endend# Use Jekylly's plugin system to modify the content before invoking rdicountmoduleJekyllclassJoinChineseFilter<PostFilterdefpre_render(post)post.content.join_chinese!endendend
AI Class 结束了,昨天收到了 Statement of Accomplishment。这学期的很多周末都花在了做作业上,最后看到这个还是挺开心的。
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (AIMA) 这本书,在课程开始前按照课程涉及内容看了一些,速度比较慢。课程开始之后比较忙,一般只遇到不太明白的地方才看,明显感觉到比没上过课时看起来轻松很多。可惜的是本科和硕士阶段我很少遇到这样的老师,上课和自己看书的效果差不多。
The content clearing behavior is caused by the smcup/rmcup capability. Here’s the
methods to preserve screen content depends on what terminal you use:
For tmux, the alternate-screen option defaults to on. Add the following
in .tmux.conf to disable it:
set-window-option -g alternate-screen off
screen does not enable the annoying terminal capability by default. If you
encounter this, add the following to .screenrc:
alterscreen off
If you don’t use screen or tmux, I suggest you invest some time in these
tools and I assure you they worth it. If you can’t use these tools, then follow
the directions in smcup/rmcup:
hate. This removes the
declaration of the annoying capabilities in the terminfo database, so the
application will not use them.
Update: If you find ssh “clears” screen after logout, check if .bash_logout
on the server contains clear command.
Update: I will no longer compile Tunnelblick directly with
Instead I will just compile openvpn-ipv6 and replace the openvpn executable
shipped by Tunnelblick (located under Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpn/openvpn-<version>).
This would be much easier to catch up with the new releases of Tunnelblick.
You can download my compiled 64bit openvpn binary for OS X on
this github downloads page.
I only use it on Lion, not sure if it works on Snow Leopard.
As my university’s network is in CERNET, we can only access foreign web site directly with ipv6. Because the stock Tunnelblick does not support ipv6, I’ve been using tunnelblick-ipv6 nearly everyday recently. The problem with Tunnelblick-ipv6 on google code is that it’s uploaded in Dec 2009 and can not run on 64bit OS X kernel, so I decided to compile an ipv6 enabled Tunnelblick by myself.
Tunnelblick is actually a GUI front end to openvpn. To enable ipv6 support we need an ipv6 enabled openvpn. Thanks to jjo, he has provided an ipv6 enabled openvpn on github. The Tunnelblick project only includes official openvpn releases due to security reasons and that’s why they do not include this version of openvpn. (Explained in this Google code issue.)
It’s not quite difficult to build Tunnelblick actually, but some problems arise during the process. I’ll briefly describe the process below. The final modified code is on github so you don’t need to do it again. I’ve also uploaded compiled binary for you if you trust me :) Here’s the link Tunnelblick-3.2beta25build2647.dmg